Manage things, Lead people.

 Manage things, Lead people

Sounds great, but what does it really mean? It is more than just a catchy phrase, mastering this can transform your management game & improve staff retention.
If you're a manager of a team or you are about to be one, then this, is for you!
Leadership is about more than just ensuring tasks are executed efficiently. It's the ability to guide and motivate your team. At the heart of leadership, is the understanding that your staff are individuals with their own dreams, goals, strengths and weaknesses. EQ, emotional intelligence, empowers you to comprehend and connect with the individuals in your team, appreciating their uniqueness and understanding of their aspirations. By focusing on leading people, you acknowledge the individuality of team members and can tailor your approach to ensure you are getting the best out of each individual.
Balancing the practical aspects of organising with the emotional intelligence needed to connect with your team results in enhanced job satisfaction, increased productivity, and a positive work environment.
Managing things involves the organisational side of the role such as: tasks, processes, measuring & reporting, Health & safety management and logistics. It's about efficiently handling the day-to-day operations, ensuring deadlines are met, and resources are optimised. It ensures the team can function seamlessly with the resources they have when you ensure your team have what they need. This keeps the workplace running smoothly.

While management is about efficiency, leadership is about influence. So make sure your influence is a positive one and watch your team thrive!
